Our Thinking

Pollination at COP16

18 October 2024 / WORDS BY Pollination

Action to halt biodiversity loss and degradation is a process which will require catalytic collaboration at the highest level between governments, corporations, finance, and civil society. As COP16 gets underway for another year, the team from Pollination will be on the ground alongside our project partners to accelerate the transition to a net zero, nature positive future.

The Pollination team will be taking part in the following events and more. For further information on media or events, or if you’d like to organise a meeting with one of our team, please get in touch with Suzanne Blake at suzanne.blake@pollinationgroup.com.

“Seize Your Transition Opportunity at COP16” – S&P Sustainable1

Thursday 24 October, 9:00am

Hotel Dann Cali

Pollination Speaker: Senior Advisor Dr Helen Crowley


“Financing the Nature Positive Transition” – S&P Global

Thursday 24 October, 5:00 – 5:45pm

Hotel Dann Cali

Pollination Speaker: Senior Advisor Dr Helen Crowley


“Quantifying nature’s value: leveraging science, economics and big data to reveal the value of nature” – TNFD and Capitals Coalition

Friday 25 October, 4:30pm

Hotel Dann Cali

Pollination Speaker: Managing Director Dr Carter Ingram


Investing in Nature: Financing Regenerative Agriculture and Healthy Forests

Sunday 27 October, 1.00pm – 3.00pm

Nature House

A closed-door roundtable. Contact regenerative@project-everyone.org if you would like to attend.

Pollination speaker: Managing Director Dr Carter Ingram


“Target 18, Creating the Right Incentives for a Nature-Positive Future” – The Global Environment Facility

Parallel Sessions on Sources of Transition Finance and Private Sector Leadership – Early Movers: The Voice of the Private Sector

Sunday 27 October, 1.30pm – 3.30pm

Green Zone

Financing transition to nature-positive investments means providing different economic actors, businesses, and investors with the means to identify nature-positive investments and transitional pathways that move away from the current business as usual. This session will provide an overview of the sources of transition finance and the voice of the private sector leaders who see a clear opportunity in shaping the business opportunities in the nature agenda.

The panel:

  • Akanksha Khatri, WEF (Moderator)
  • Jeremy Eppel, Finance for Nature
  • Callie Stinson, Director, We Mean Business
  • Tony Goldner or representative, TNFD
  • Christoph Neumann, Executive Vice President, Agricultural Policies, Crop Life
  • Stefania Avanzini, Director WBCSD, Agriculture & Food and OP2B
  • Dr Helen Crowley, Senior Advisor, Pollination

“Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Cocoa Production with Traceability, Strategy and Technology” – Alisos

Sunday 27 October, 8.00am

La Casa Humboldt, Salón Sinú, 3rd floor Centro Cultural Comfandi Nelson Garcés Vernaza Cl 8 #6-23, Cali, Valle del Cauca

Pollination speaker: Executive Director Guy Williams

Register directly here.


Roundtable: “Mobilising private sector finance to restore and protect Nature”Sustainable Markets Initiative

Tuesday 29 October, 8.30am

Great Casa Britanica

Speaker: Pollination Executive Director Dr Matt Cranford


“From ambition to action – nature stewardship initiatives following COP15” – World Benchmarking Alliance, PRI, Finance4 Biodiversity

Tuesday 29 October, 11.45pm – 12.45pm

Finance for Biodiversity Pavilion, Blue Zone

The panelists will discuss priorities, clarify how they relate to one another, reflect on areas for improvement, and stimulate further action among the audience. Principal objectives include: 

  • Showcase concrete examples of actions that have launched since COP15, and demonstrate links to the Global Biodiversity Framework
  • Build understanding of the various stewardship initiatives on nature, and how they complement and support each other
  • Share lessons learned and encourage further action
  • Address blockers / constraints for participation in nature stewardship initiatives and ways to approach this

 The panel: 

  • Dr Carter Ingram, Managing Director, Head of Nature, Pollination (moderator)
  • Tim Steinweg, Head of Stewardship, Nature, PRI
  • Jennifer Black, Nature Transformation Lead, WBA
  • Meryl Richard, Program Director, Food and Forests, Ceres, NA100
  • Peter Taylor, Corporate Programme Director, IIGCC


“Contributions to the Nature Positive Agenda in Latin America: Role of the private sector” – IUCN

Tuesday 29 October, 12.30pm – 2.00pm

IUCN Pavilion

Achieving the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework will require the significant involvement of the private sector, both at global and regional levels. Particularly in Latin America, where there are a multitude of biodiversity hotspots in need of conservation and protection, combined with important economic development pressures, the proactive engagement of the private sector to conserve and restore species, habitats and ecosystems, while creating economic value for communities, is essential. Many companies in the region have already taken action to integrate nature and people more directly in their business strategies and operations, and they are looking for ways to contribute meaningfully to the GBF and the nature positive agenda. This session will present the solutions and practices being put in place by companies in Latin America, as well as highlight the challenges that still remain to further mainstream and enable more nature positive action by companies that can be beneficial for nature and people.

The panel:

  • Paloma Munoz, Director, Human Rights Standards, BSR (moderator)
  • Gabriel Quijandria, Regional Director for South America, IUCN
  • Marina Negrisoli, Sustainability Director, Suzano
  • Leticia Guimaraes, Head of Biodiversity, Vale
  • Dr Matt Cranford, Executive Director, Pollination


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