Nature Finance Focus Report

Tracking global investment in nature


To get a sense of how global nature finance is evolving, we asked a range of institutional investors about their experiences of investing in nature. We uncovered their motivations, ambitions, and what they consider to be the greatest risks and opportunities in the nature space – forming the backbone of the inaugural Pollination Nature Finance Focus report.

Nature is the foundation of our global economy but, until recently, it has been largely invisible to investors. It underpins our core-infrastructure, providing a myriad of services and products which make all economic activities possible.
Historically, companies have been able to take advantage of these natural assets without much cost or consideration. However, as the critical role that nature plays comes into focus, capital providers will need to become increasingly engaged in thinking about the natural world and its impact on business.

We surveyed an international panel of leading institutional investors, and interviewed a range of industry experts, about their experiences with working on nature to date. We learnt what is motivating their work; where they see risk and opportunity; and how well-prepared they are to navigate this new investment landscape.
Our findings have been published in the inaugural Pollination Nature Finance Focus: Tracking global trends in nature investment, available to view below.

Download the full report to track global trends in nature investment.

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