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Nature Positive Strategy: Practical Guidance for Corporates

04 April 2024 / WORDS BY Mila Cerecina, Laura Waterford and Olivia Back

Drawing on our extensive global work on nature, Pollination has developed a user guide for corporates for action and ambition on the nature-positive transition.

The nature-positive agenda is a challenge to business as usual. It requires new ways of thinking, strategising, operating and doing business, as well as new goals, targets and ways of measuring and reporting progress.

Responding to the nature-positive agenda is not something that corporates can put off. There is growing pressure on corporates to demonstrate that they are taking adequate steps to minimise their exposure to nature-related risks and to contribute to the systemic changes required to transition to a nature-positive economy.

Global frameworks and initiatives, such as the Kunming-Montreal Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures framework and the Science Based Targets Network’s guidance on setting nature targets are rapidly increasing regulatory and reporting expectations at the national and subnational levels, which will shape the corporate response to the nature-positive agenda.

In order to remain competitive in their changing operating environment, corporates can take clear steps now to respond to the nature-positive agenda. Our paper provides practical guidance on how to design and implement a nature-positive aligned corporate strategy.

We have distilled six key principles that corporates can apply to future-proof their corporate strategy, specifically:

Principle 1 – Integrate objectives for people, nature and climate.

Principle 2 – Apply a holistic definition of nature.

Principle 3 – Apply the mitigation hierarchy to contribute to nature-positive.

Principle 4 – Make a systemic contribution to nature-positive.

Principle 5 – Identify and act in priority locations.

Principle 6 – Work toward an overall net gain in nature.



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